Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Outsourcing, A Fun Week, The Census, & A Little Bit O' Health Care

This was a fun week and we packed a lot in, running over our usual 45 minutes. We get our podcast back from Apu and his buddy, who were outsourcing it.

We review the week, and the fun Greg had on St Patrick's day.....which he could remember surprisingly enough, and also Simon's various activities during the week....none of which involved woodpeckers...Hurrahhh!!!

We move onto the "Serious Shit" segment and discuss the census and a tincy wincy bit about the health care reform drama that is playing out across the country (as well as Facebook). We play the audio part of 2 youtube videos made by Jerry Day. This guy sums it all up in a way that we just couldn't and he's excellent, as rather than just banter like we do....he does his research. Oh the news channels could learn so much from him. 

The big confusion at first is the difference between the census we are obliged to fill in, which is the 10-year one. This is written as law into the Constitution and yes, folks ... there are parts of it we're supposed to do. However, there is also the one that is sent out every year to about 3 million of the population, and this one asks a lot more questions. It isn't written into law, or it would seem anyway according to Jerry...and he seems to know his stuff. The government are allowed to count the population once every 10 years, and that seems to be about it, not to mention fair. Now for the legal fine print mumbo jumbo.....We should point out that, despite our enthusiasm for discussing this topic and the high spirits of doing so, we don't condone not filling in your census. We've done ours, although we answered only the questions we have to. We are not sheep, "baaahhhh", so think and do what you think is right.

OK, come up for breath ...

Then we discuss (sort of and albeit briefly), the touchy subject of health care reform. We will go into this in more detail next week, but before then we would really appreciate input from others. Please drop us a line at wthjh@yahoo.com and let us know what you think. Be nice! We're all adults here and are having a fun conversation/discussion. We won't change the government by shouting at each other. If we could we wouldn't be in Iraq now would we?!?!?!?!

The music at the end of the show is usually by the band Ozric Tentacles. Partly because we both LOVE these guys, and partly because quite a few of their tracks work perfectly for fade out music. This week, the track was part of the tune "Steep"....one of Simon's favorites.

Cool beans....and we look forward to hearing back from you all and getting that input on the Census and Health care reform.
