Monday, July 19, 2010

Right turn Clyde, Cloud computing malarkey, and 'there was much rejoicing...yeh'.

Fiiiinally we got Jason on the podcast after months of invites.....he's a busy boy. We are secretly/quietly joined by Jason's wife....who, despite being usually chatty, this time opted out to sit quietly and not join in....but we managed to get her photo, and sat with Simon's dog for proof...but all incognito of course.

With Jason we revisit some old times with; some work and some banding fun experiences we had. We expose the vocal capabilities of Greg (mainly Karaoke). We geek out for a while, and talk about Jason's current work and how he's making a living from the 'Cloud Computing' what the hell is cloud computing. Jason tells us a little about his company that is helping to deploy cloud computing applications, "Forcebrain". 
Greg and I talk briefly about a local restaurant we visited with Karen the previous week, "Sent Sovi". OMG it was good. We had a full blown 7 course tasting course and had to waddle back to the car to get home. Greg and I then recount one of our more memorable road trips. We did this one a few years back to visit Jason when he lived up in Portland Oregon....all on backcountry roads: to Crater Lake, Mount St Helens, and Lava tubes, who's name we can't remember now. We play an odd video from as Jason was the person who introduced us to this rather strange web site. This is it. 
We head outside and Jason tells us how he proposed to Carmela and why being romantic doesn't always work out as planned. Jason and Greg give us a "What The Hell Just Happened" moment when they both (separately) met a lady-boys/transgenders (One in LA and one in Bangkok), and how they had a close shave but escaped unharmed. Jason tells us of his close encounter with a probable/possible terrorist shortly after 911, and how the FBI took no interest in him, despite being told about his strange behavior, and then about his close encounter with contraband art out of Iraq....all the time with Bae Jiao panting (and her collar jingling) in the background. Really, it was my dog panting, not us. We finally get one word out of Carmela. "Hi". 

We close with "Jurassic Shift" by Ozric Tentacles.

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