Monday, August 2, 2010

"It's good to be the King!"

We start off by recapping on last week's podcast, the one with it was very intense and covered a lot of ground.

Greg asks why we're surrounded by stacks of musical instruments and Simon explains.

We explore the concept of lobbyists, what they do and why it's not good for anyone really....Greg delves into the depths of his memory to explain where the name comes from.....The Hay Adam's Hotel.

We review a program on the world's most extreme airports and Simon gives a "Holy Shit" to some of them.

We discuss social manners and Greg's amazing experience with a very rude woman in a Panda (Pandora) Express and the obnoxious lady. Simon counters with his experience in a local pharmacy.

We touch on the subject of the new mega mosque that's supposed to be built near NY's ground zero, and what's wrong with it....and the history of Wall Street....and that the wall was originally there to keep pigs isolated.

We remember an old TV program....."Not the 9 o'clock news." and how great it was. One of the members was Pamela Stephenson. That brings us onto the quote from "History of the World"....."It's good to be the King."....."De Monet...De Monet!"'s Simon's favorite sketch from Not the 9o'clock news featuring Pamela and Rowan Atkinson....."Gerald the Gorilla."........"Wild? I was absolutely livid!"

We are slowly remastering earlier podcasts, to boost the volume. These are not repeats, but are boosting the volume of the early releases.

The closing music this week is a little different. It's a bit of "Nocturn" by Kate Bush, which is from the CD Aerial....which is glorious. Here's the complete track.



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