Monday, September 27, 2010

Beam me up Scotty, that was a lot of hard work too.

This week ye olde podcasts is a little different. Simon had to go down to Santa Monica for an intensive study weekend (Friday to Sunday, followed by an exam on Monday...yikes!...but passed) for his pilot instrument rating exams. At the last minute (and upon request) Greg joined him, even though he was snowed under with work (hotel rooms with a network can be very productive if you want them to be!) It worked out well in the end and they even managed to get a quick dinner in at Beverly Hills, or to put it another way 90210....which was spiffing. The hotel was on Santa Monica Boulevard, so, we can now assert that, as the song says, the Sun does indeed come up over Santa Monica Boulevard. Simon was up very early every day for class so saw the sun just as it peeped it's head up over the horizon (well buildings)! Santa Monica Boulevard is also the beginning of the historic Route 66. Interestingly enough, and probably not by planning, the part where that route starts is full of car dealers. Pretty apt really.

LA hit 114 degrees this weekend, and it was 107 as we left, at 10.30am!!!!! 114 is 45 Celsius.....that's as hot as it gets on the Egypt Sudanese border......that's ridiculous. Did we mention that it's the end of September! Good grief that was hot. 

So the podcast was recorded as the guys drove up HW 5 back to the San Francisco Bay the background noise is a little bit of the car joining in this week's podcast.

Greg reviewed the 'event' at his favorite local cigar shop in San Jose, where he met LeVar Burton....if you're not into Star Trek, you'll not have a clue who he is. If you are into Star Trek, you'll be jumping in your seat for joy at this point. LeVar played Geordi La Forge on Star Trek, the Next Generation, and for a while at least, took the role that had previously been Montgomery Scott (Scotty), from where the wonderful phrase "Beam me up Scotty" came from.

Catch you all later.



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