Monday, June 6, 2011

We're back Baby!

After a week off for Memorial Day, we're back. Hope you missed us.

So, this week, even though it's not memorial day, it's the 67th anniversary of D-Day...and that's a biggy in case you forgot.

Hats off to all the guys who served, sacrificed and helped rid the world of those scumbags Nazis.

We talk about the Canadians too, who participated heavily, but seem to get very little recognition. They had their own beach, Juno. The US had 2, the UK and Commonwealth had 2 and the Canadians, even though part of the Commonwealth, had their own.....and get very little recognition for it. Way to go guys. You kicked some serious ass. 

Talking of's an amazing story of a Gurkha, who fought off 30 Taliban in Afghanistan.....30!

If you don't know who these guys are.....this is them. Amazing people.

Simon replaced his dead PC with a spanking new iMac....yeh baby.

Greg talks about how he's looking for work. He's mainly online, using Linkedin. and



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