Monday, May 17, 2010

A jolly good trip

People of earth. We are back with a brand, spankin' new podcast. This week Simon recounts his recent trip to England, which is actually part 1 of a 2 part week it's Italy and Switzerland. We promise no yodeling. 

Simon flew to the UK right on the heals of the volcano, and his flight was the first out of SFO following the about last minute.

Throughout the podcast, Greg regales us with useful travel tips for those of you who might not have traveled internationally before (from the US.)

Sooo, moving on, Simon went over primarily to see family, before joining his wife in Switzerland, for an actual vacation.

He stayed in York and the surrounding area:

....and saw lots of relatives, friends (Chris, Malcolm, Ashley, know who you are!), played in a jam with old band mates from school. (Nick, Kit and assisted by Declan) at a local pub.....and it was fantastic fun. He's a tincy bit of video from the event. It was fun.

He then trailed up to Ilkley to see yet more really old and very spritely 95 year old, who's sharper than many 30 year olds. Believe me, sharp as they come. 'tis good to see, that's for sure.

He visited one of his favorite places, Betty's tea shop in York
York and the surrounding area is stuffed full of history. Just chock full of the stuff. York has it's Minster and Ryedale has loads of stuff, but Castle Howard is the most famous.
Then it was onto Italy, but that's another story. It was all over far too quickly.

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