Monday, May 31, 2010

What do Ukraine, Austria, Wichita and angry women have in common?

It turns out the answer to that difficult question is our guest today......our good friend Nick!

We explore a ton of subjects today and have a good chuckle in the process.

It's Memorial day 2010, so we first give thanks to all the troops out there before getting down to the fun.

Simon recounts his being taken shopping by wifey and why on earth there was a Mariachi band playing in a place where the demographics are definitely not Hispanic.

Math is hard.

We curse in a few different languages, just for the fun of it.

We then have fun discussing our old banding experiences and some of our favorite bands. Nick says he likes his music like he likes his women.....and we wait until he survives this after his wife hears the podcast.

Nick thinks that Led Zeppelin's tour de force "Achilles Last Stand" was stolen as the basis for Heart's Barracuda. You decide.

Nick wants to discuss Debbie does Dallas again and we explore some alternatives to this famous title, by using our own names. Oh that gets so bad. Some might spit their morning coffee out at this one, (or fall off their treadmills!)

 Physics is harder.

And it's "Rincon!" It's not Lincoln, you idiot. It's "Rincon".

We adjourn outside, since it's such a lovely day. Nick gets well and truly sniffed and wishes he had a dollar for every time that has happened to him......

And finally, we discuss gun laws (with Texas being the focus) and how they impact our safety. You might be surprised what we think/conclude.

The closing music was part of the title track from the "Hidden Step" by Ozric Tentacles....which, if you've got this far and listened to the podcast, will realize that they are one of Simon's favorite bands (in the top 3 in fact.) We've used their music as the closing track for every podcast so far. (The opening music is a track called, delightfully, "Papas got a brand new pig bag" by a band called, imaginatively enough, "Pig Bag".

And that was a fun evening.....peace and KMSMA.


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